Pheonix Admin replied

631 weeks ago

Ok time to break it down….

1. Once you reach level 81 you can TECHNICALLY start farming (paper) as it is called for your 5 core peices (head, body, hands, legs, feet). BUT since it requires lots of teamwork and time it is suggested to just be at level 95+ and have at MINIMUM 120 saved minutes and 2-3 stones in reserve.

2. Once you are ready just go to ffxi wiki and search which NM you want to camp (usually it gives you 3-4 nm choices.. and one is always the easiest)

3. Begin by /yell (this makes your shout show up in all zones in jueno) with the name of the NM with the paper it drops…. EX (NM NAME JOB JOB JOB JOB (paper peice) paper DO you need it?) is the outline.. Here is a actual example… (NM Gramayon MNK PLD THF BST body paper do you need it?)

4. Once you get a party together make sure you always have a BLM for magic procs (If you can snag a NIN and a BRD that is better to hit the rare ones…..or even a BLU for the extremely rare cases). Also take a WHM for light procs.. You wont need to worry about red procs so any DD is fine

5. Then its a matter of going to that NM in whatever zone it is in and just continuing to farm till everyone runs out of time or gets all the seals they need. It is preferred that if your nm is a POP nm, buy the item off the AH to pop him, or go farm the item before you make the shout in jueno.

Besides that its just rinse repeat for each armor peice.. Its a bit time consuming cause some nms are just annoying no matter what and its getting harder and harder to do seals with people progressing to their +2 versions (the harder nms)..

Seals Required:
Body: 10
Hands: 8
Head: 8
Legs: 8
Feet: 8

TO acquire the base version of these, you need to go farm in certain zones that drop them. you can farm the feet because that is generic. You will need 1500 Dominican notes (missions in certain zones which is just killin mobs) for the body peice and 1500 Republican notes (doing a protection mission in Aby Miserux Coast) for the legs and 25000 cruour for the hands which are sold in a certain zone per job.

Thats all I go :) If you have any questions let me know.
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